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57 x 40 inches
Egg Tempera
Private collection
Grumbacher Gold Medal, 41st Annual of the National Society of Painters in Casein & Acrylic“

Published: The Artistic Touch 3, Chris Unwin / Creative Art Press

Across the river to the east from where the artist lives is the town of Catasauqua. “Reds” is the ubiquitous resident of the town and he can always be seen perched on the front steps of his home along Race Street from where he “doesn’t miss a trick”. Possessing a wealth of knowledge of the local history of the area he has shared many conversations with the artist and has shown him many of the objects he has accumulated over the years including his prized beer can collection. Fascinated with the subject of this man who is always wearing some sort of headwear the artist was moved to paint him as he sat in front of his home where he is bathed in sunlight from morning till late afternoon.”