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Egg Tempera
21 x 24 inches

The artist has drawn inspiration from many of the memories he has of his childhood. One of these memories is of the homemade treats his father would make. In the wintertime he would mix up a recipe for peanut brittle from Karo, molasses, sugar and water which would cook on the stove till it was boiling. It was poured still hot into cake pans and into the mix he would sprinkle his favorite, cracked walnuts. It was then placed outside in the freezing cold snow until it was rock hard. In the summertime, he would make homemade root beer which was bottled into quarts with a stopper on top and set out in the sun on the picnic table to “ripen”, then stored in the cellar where it would remain cold until needed to quench a hot summer thirst. This old, distressed Hires box found at a country yard sale reminded the artist of these childhood treats and that he, like the box, was showing the signs of the passage of time, hence the title “Showing My Age”.